Energy Anew, Inc.
Energy and Resource Transformation Technology


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+ Patent List:   US 6238579, US 6335376, US 6452126, US 7063213, US 7111738, US 7325757; also EP and WP equivalents and several more pending.

+ Trip Allen co-founded MBA Polymers in Richmond, California. Here are three articles from his work with MBA:

+ Bio

Trip Allen is the President and Founder of Energy Anew, Inc. He also founded MBA Polymers, Inc., where as Chief Technical Officer he developed and patented technology to separate and recycle plastics. MBA is now operating plants in Austria, China and Richmond, California. MBA's technology has won numerous distinctions including recognition as a World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer and the Edison Award for Innovation from YEO. Before striking out on his own, Trip developed plastic recycling technology at Dow Chemical. Trip holds a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from Clemson University, where he did his thesis work on in-space manufacturing systems for NASA's Langley Research. Trip is a member of the Executive Committee of the Sierra Club Bay Chapter and Sierra Club Marin Group.

Energy Anew, Inc. 2006 - 2009